As proven by Professor Schultz of Hanover University in Germany, the Islamic way of killing for food an animal gives near to no pain while the other method of Captive Bolt Stunning (CBS) is rather painful. He did this in a test, where the feelings of the brain activity of animals were calculated and then results compared by EEG.
Even though all halal foods are in five general food groups, animal meat is an unique case. Meat is commonly halal meaning that the eating of meat is not completely prohibited, but it must fulfil simple criteria to be consumable by Muslims.
Being a developed or developing country, it is accountability of the government to make available food adhering to the religious beliefs belonging to diverse cultures of the world. Slaughter houses should be intimately monitored for the appropriate slaughter and for proper storage of halal food. Furthermore, ingredients which are put to use in processed food should be from the halal source as well. One more system which can carry noteworthy development is the labelling of all ingredients on all the processed food goods which are consumed by Muslim society.
Pork is prohibited by the Qur’an as it is strictly taken as “impure” (Qur’an 6:145). Several health risks are linked with the consumption of pork as it may have unsafe worms (trichinosis) and germs. Since it is not achievable at all times to get “healthier” pork, its consumption as halal food is forbidden
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